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SoftPerfect Switch Port Mapper 3.1.6

SoftPerfect Switch Port Mapper 3.1.6

Free Download SoftPerfect Switch Port Mapper 3 programme d'installation hors ligne autonome de la version complète pour Windows. It is a tool that works with managed network switches and reports what is connected to switch ports and which ports are not connected.

Overview of SoftPerfect Switch Port Mapper 3 Benefits

The portmapper lists the MAC address, IP address, and hostnames of the computers associated with that port for every connected port.

Additionally, the software can display each client’s network card vendor, port speed, and the counters of erroneous and discarded frames for every port. This can be of reasonable assistance when troubleshooting network connectivity issues.

Overview of SoftPerfect Switch Port Mapper 3 Features

  • Shows what is connected to every switch port in a simple table format.
  • Pulls ARP table from a router to display IP information of connected clients.
  • Scans the current subnet for MAC-to-IP address mappings if there is no router.
  • Comes in two editions: a GUI application and a console application for using in scripts.
  • Allows direct launch of other applications and tools for convenience and easy management.
  • Fully supports SNMPv1, SNMPv2c and SNMPv3, including bulk operations.

Configuration requise

Système opérateur: les fenêtres 7/8/8.1/10Processeur: 2 GHz AMD or Intel processorMémoire: 2 GB RAM minimumStockage: 500 Mo ou plusVersion: 3.1.6Taille: 9 Mo

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SoftPerfect Switch Port Mapper 3.1.6

Dernière mise à jour : Février 4, 2022


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