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ElectraSoft Speed Dial 23.03.25

ElectraSoft-Kurzwahl 23.03.25

Free Download ElectraSoft Speed Dial full version standalone offline installer for Windows. It stores detailed information about all your friends.

Overview of ElectraSoft Speed Dial

It can be used as a contact book to store detailed information about all your friends and acquaintances, allowing you to quickly find the phone number you need and dial it without looking the contacts up.

The application’s main interface displays a structured table where all the contacts are displayed and their short description. It can store up to five phone numbers for each contact and five different notes, which should be enough for any user.

Adding a new entry to the database is just completing a form with the desired name, description, and phone number, each with its extension and note. You can delete address book entries just as quickly. With just a click, you can alphabetically sort the items in ascending or descending order.

System Anforderungen

Betriebssystem: Windows 7/8/10/11Prozessor: Pentium IV or aboveErinnerung: 1 GB RAM (2 GB empfohlen)Lagerung: 200 MB oder mehrAusführung: 23.03.25Größe: 1 MB Entwickler: ElectraSoft

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ElectraSoft-Kurzwahl 23.03.25

Letztes Update : Oktober 12, 2023


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