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Free Download Rhinoceros 3D 7 for Windows PC also known as “Rhino 3D” it can create, 编辑, 分析, 文档, 使成为, 动画化, 并平移 NURBS 曲线, 表面, and solids, 点云, 和多边形网格. There are no limits on complexity, 程度, or size beyond those of your hardware.

Rhinoceros also known as Rhino has become one of the standard 3D modeling tools for designers and architects. You can start with a sketch, drawing, physical model, scan data, or only an idea—Rhino provides the tools to accurately model and document your designs ready for rendering, 动画片, 起草, 工程, 分析, and manufacturing or construction.

Rhinoceros 3D 7 can create, 编辑, 分析, 文档, 使成为, 动画化, 并平移 NURBS 曲线, 表面, and solids with no limits on complexity, 程度, or size. Rhino also supports polygon meshes and point clouds. Its accuracy and flexibility makes it possible to students to explore and build their ideas without having to spend much time learning “CAD”.

Also, any geometry created in Rhino can be exported to laser cutters, milling machines or 3D printers, and this is really what makes Rhino different from general 3D modeling tools based in polygons, where you can create great images, but without manufacturing precision.

Features of the program

  • Uninhibited free-form 3D modeling tools like those found only in products costing 20 到 50 更多倍. 建模任何你能想象到的形状.
  • Accuracy needed to design, 原型, 工程师, 分析, and manufacture anything from an airplane to jewelry.
  • Compatibility with all your other design, 起草, 计算机辅助制造, 工程, 分析, 渲染, 动画片, 和插画软件.
  • 读取和修复网格以及极具挑战性的 IGES 文件.
  • 无障碍. So easy to learn and use that you can focus on design and visualization without being distracted by the software.
  • 快速地, 即使在普通笔记本电脑上. 无需特殊硬件.
  • Development platform for hundreds of specialty 3D products.
  • 价格实惠. 普通五金件. 学习曲线短. 实惠的购买价格. 无维护费.