EarMaster Pro 6.2 建造 656
Free Download EarMaster Pro 6 for Windows PC it is the ultimate training tool for all musicians. It will take your musical skills to the next level and help you become a better musician.
EarMaster Pro 6 has been designed to match the needs of both beginners and very advanced musicians. The current version is the outcome of years of collaboration with leading music schools, conservatories and universities such as Berklee College of Music from Boston, among many others. 所以, no matter how experienced you are, you will always find lessons, drills and tests that will challenge your sight-singing, aural and rhythmic skills.
This program EarMaster 6 Professional includes two advanced courses with over 2,000 lessons that will guide you and increase the level of complexity as you improve your musical skills. 标准课程包含从初学者到高级用户的课程. 爵士乐课程包括摇摆节奏和爵士和弦课程! 你可以一次又一次地学习, 因为每次你服用它都会改变!
耳大师 6 Professional 包括识别间隔的练习, 和弦, 和弦转位, 和弦进行, 秤, 和模式. 您还可以找到抄写旋律和节奏以及视奏或模仿节奏的练习. 广泛的锻炼区域可满足您的所有球场训练需求, 和声, 和节奏! 一起使用, EarMaster 中包含的所有活动 6 专业人士将帮助您增强音乐性并提高演奏水平!
EarMaster Pro 的特点 6
- 超过 2500 各个级别的音乐理论练习,涵盖听力训练,
视唱练习, 节奏训练, 爵士和声, 摇摆以及更多 - 学会识别, 转录并演唱旋律, 秤, 和弦,
间隔, 和弦进行和节奏 - 带有摇摆节奏的爵士乐课程, 爵士和弦, 和爵士标准的视唱
- 详细的统计数据来监控您的进度
- 自定义练习以您想要的方式进行练习
- 使用多项选择按钮回答问题, 乐谱人员, 屏幕上的钢琴, 吉他, 低音, 小提琴,
大提琴, 曼陀林, 视唱练耳音节, 规模度及更多 - 使用麦克风实时唱歌或播放答案
- 使用 MIDI 键盘播放答案并远程控制 EarMaster 的功能
- 从真实乐器中采样的一百多种乐器声音