Boris FX 摩卡专业版 2023 v10.0.3.15

Free Download Boris FX Mocha Pro 2023 for Adobe, OFX and Standalone is the Academy Award-winning planar tracking tool for visual effects and post-production. With a proven record on the world’s most notable film and television projects, Mocha is valued by effects artists and editors for its unique ability to reduce the time-consuming keyframing associated with high-end VFX and finishing.

Mocha is the world’s most recognized and powerful planar tracking tool for VFX and post-production. Mocha Pro features GPU-accelerated tracking and object removal, advanced masking with edge-snapping, stabilization, lens calibration, 3D camera solver, stereo 360/VR support, 和更多.

It adds industry-standard OpenColorIO color management for consistent and predictable color display across industry workflows. OCIO support is compatible with the Academy Color Encoding Specification (ACES) and enables improved color-managed workflows with high-end post-production and VFX applications such as Silhouette, Foundry’s NUKE, Autodesk Flame, Avid Media Composer, 和更多.

还下载 Boris FX Continuum

Features of Boris FX Mocha Pro 2023

  • New workspaces with Mocha Essentials interface
  • GPU-accelerated object removal delivers faster rendering
  • New spline tools for faster masking: Magnetic Spline with edge snapping, Freehand Spline, and Geometric Shape Tools
  • Retina/High DPI monitor resolution support
  • Award-winning 360/VR tools now included
  • Stereo 360 planar tracking & masking
  • Unique spherical 360 workspace
  • Horizon stabilization & reorient
  • 新的 & improved GPU-accelerated object removal
  • Stereoscopic masking tools: Anaglyph view, L/H Hero mode
  • Lens workflow for Equirectangular to flattened conversions