Driver Epson LX-310
Download Driver Epson LX-310 is a free application developed by Epson to help users easily control various functions and features of the printer via a laptop or PC.
Without a driver, usually some of the functions and features of the printer cannot be controlled through a PC or laptop that does not have the driver installed, even in certain cases the computer cannot detect the printer at all.
Therefore, in order for all the features and functions of the printer to run optimally, the computer or laptop that will be used to control the printer needs to be installed with a driver first.
Epson actually has provided the driver installation file on the CD which is usually included in the purchase box, but because it is rarely used the CD is usually lost or damaged.
If you experience this, you don’t need to worry because you can still install drivers without having to use a CD. You can use the driver installation file available here.
By using the installation file listed here, the installation process will also be easier and more practical, you don’t need to bother using a computer equipped with the CD Room.
The Epson LX-310 itself is a 9 pin dot-matrix printer that has a fairly high print speed, has 128kb of input data buffer memory, this printer is capable of printing 357 characters in one second.
Driver Epson LX-310 Type
Because this printer is only equipped with print or print capabilities, does not have the ability to scan, Epson only provides one print driver.
Tuy nhiên, during the installation process, you need to choose the installation file that matches the version of Windows you are using, whether Windows 32-bit or 64-bit so that the driver can run optimally.
The driver files available here are compatible with various Windows 7, các cửa sổ 8, các cửa sổ 8.1, và Windows 10.
Hướng dẫn cài đặt
To install the Epson LX-310 driver is actually the same way as installing Windows applications in general, but so that you don’t get confused here I will explain the steps briefly.
Vui lòng tải file driver bên dưới trước, đảm bảo máy in đã bật và được kết nối với máy tính. Kế tiếp, consider the installation steps below.
- Extract downloaded driver archive file.
- Open WINX86 folder if you’re using Windows 32-bit or WINX64 for Windows 64-bit.
- Open SETUP folder and double-click on SETUP.EXE file for 32-bit Windows or SETUP64.EXE for 64-bit.
- Check “Set as default printer” then OK.
- When approval window appears select Accept.
- Wait for installation process to complete.
- When installation dialog appears, select OK.
At this point, you have successfully installed Epson LX-310 driver, you can immediately use the printer to print or restart the computer first so that the driver can run optimally.