TagSpaces 3.8.4
Download TagSpaces is a personal data management software that will help you easily organize your files using tags. This applications allows you to organize your data (invoices, recipes or photos) in the same manner, no matter what operating system you use. TagSpaces is a cross platform utility and it currently supports all the major platforms ( Мак ОС Х, Linux, Окна, Firefox, Android and Chrome).
By using tags to organize your files, TagSpaces lets you manage your projects utilizing the GTD methodology. This tool will add tags to your files in an independent and transparent way. You can also use drag & drop to tag your files.
TagSpaces will let you to organize your tags in groups according to various themes. This tool will also let you apply smart tags (for example the tag “сегодня” added to a file will automatically label that file with the corresponding date). You can also assign various colors to the tags, according to your priorities.
TagSpaces also lets you add or remove multiple tags at the same time. It also offers a set of file management options such as create, move, Переименовать или удалить файлы. You can also create new subfolders and sort the files by size, name, extension, date, и т. д.. You can also group the files by the “last changed” date.
TagSpaces features a modern design and a highly flexible interface, allowing you to customize it according to your needs.
Features of TagSpaces Final Version
- Organize your photos, recipes or invoices in the same way on every platform. We currently support Windows, Linux, X, Андроид, Firefox and Chrome
- With the help of tags you can do research better or you can manage projects using the GTD methodology.
- All tags are saved in the name of the file with no database required. As a consequence, the tags assigned to your files are not vendor locked and can be utilized even without the TagSpaces application.
- TagSpaces features basic file management operations, so it is a kind of tag-based file manager.
- You can create and edit notes in plain text, MARKDOWN and HTML file formats.
- You can organize webpages saved in for example MHTML format.
- You can create a personal “wiki” for tracking of your projects, idea or memories.
- Browse your file system in a convenient HTML5 web interface.
- Currently you can open many common image, audio and video format, but also PDFs or MHTMLs files and the source code of some modern programming languages.
- The list of supported files types for previewing and editing is constantly growing.
- This feature makes the Chrome version of TagSpaces a perfect addition to Google’s Chromecast, with which your can present your local images, videos and music to your TV.