Muziza YouTube Downloader Converter 8.5.2

Free Download YouTube Downloader Converter 8 by Muziza full version standalone offline installer for Windows is a tool that facilitates an attractive interface and plenty of features to help you download video clips from YouTube and Facebook Dailymotion, Instagram, and other websites.

The app can download videos from YouTube, Фейсбук, Instagram, Ежедневное движение, and thousands of other video sites. It can also download UHD 8K, 5K, 4K, QHD 2K, HD 1080p, and 720p videos from YouTube.The app allows you to download only the audio stream from YouTube and save it as MP3. You don’t need to download the entire video file.

The app enables you to download the entire or part of a playlist with just a few clicks. It supports simultaneous downloads. It allows you to download more than one video at the same time. You can pause and resume your downloads at any time. You may directly drag and drop the video link from your browser to the dropbox or the app window to start a download. You don’t even need to copy and paste the video URL.

The app can convert your disk video/audio files between MP4, FLV, AVI, WMV, MOV, MP3, Аак, and any other formats for any device. It automatically optimizes downloaded videos for popular mobile devices so that you can watch downloaded videos smoothly on your iPhone, iPad, Android phone, and other devices.

Также скачать Робин YouTube Video Downloader Pro

Features of YouTube Downloader Converter 8

  • Онлайн-загрузчик видео
  • загрузчик HD-видео
  • Конвертер YouTube в MP3
  • Загрузчик плейлистов
  • Скачать ускоритель
  • Загружайте несколько видео одновременно
  • Приостановить и возобновить загрузку
  • Поддержка перетаскивания
  • Видео и аудио конвертер
  • Конвертер видео в MP3
  • Media Player