EhLib 9.4 Construir 9.4.019

EhLibFree Download EhLib 9 professional for Rad Studio / Rio it is a pack of components for Delphi and C++ Builder.

EhLib contains components and classes for Borland Delphi, CodeGear Delphi & C++ Builder, CodeGear RAD Studio, Embarcadero RAD Studio, intended to increase capacity of the client part of database application in part of interaction with applications user.

Set of visual components to edit data in TDataSet:
TDBGridEh, TDBVertGirdEh, TDBEditEh, TDBLookupComboboxEh, TDBDateTimeEditEh, TDBComboBoxEh, TDBNumberEditEh.

Components for totaling sums and amounts of records:

Set of non visual components to print/preview DBGridEh or other printable stuff:
TPrintDBGridEh, TPreviewBox, TPrinterPreview.

Components to store component properties to/from settings storage such as ini files, registry etc: m
TPropStorageEh, TIniPropStorageManEh, TRegPropStorageManEh.


Features of EhLib 9 for Rad Studio / Rio

  • Maximum of enclosed functional during the work with tabular data.
  • Time saving for developer – display your data in the right format without writing software code.
  • Fast and intuitive exploration of the library.
  • Great number of examples, instructions and help-files.
  • High speed of applications – development involves a special optimization stage of speed for each component of library.
  • Easy debug final product. EhLib is 100% native VCL library written in Delphi language.
  • As a result the user will receive an understandable, beautiful and easy-to-use interface with impressive features of information processing.

Requisitos de sistema

  • Platform support: VCL, LCL
  • SO compatível: Win32/Win64 compatible (Delphi, Lazarus), Linux (Lazarus)
  • Supported additional OS:OS X”, “Linux” when using an additional libraryCrossVCL
  • Support IDEs: Borland Delphi 7 – 2006, CodeGear Delphi 2007, RAD Studio 2009, Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010, XEXE10.2, Lazarus (Win32).