윈도우 10 Superlite V19044.1263

Windows를 다운로드하십시오 10 Super Lite Full Crack 64 조금

Windows를 다운로드하십시오 10 Pro Lite Full Crack for Free. 윈도우 10 fever is hitting almost all computer or laptop users. Having a performance that is much better than 윈도우 8 makes this latest operating system quickly captivate the hearts of PC users. Until now, many users have updated their PCs to Windows 10 찬성.

윈도우 10 lite iso comes with many improvements in terms of performance, features to the appearance of the interface. 하지만, there are still many features that are considered not so important and only add to the performance burden.

Therefore, at the end of 2021, 윈도우 10 찬성 Superlite 64 bit comes as a denser operating system by eliminating several features so that its performance is much faster and lighter.

In this operating system, there are at least some feature reductions. Features such as Windows Apps, Remote Desktop, OneDrive, Notifications, to Windows Security are removed because they are considered not very useful. On the other hand, the developer added the Ghost Toolbox feature, UWP Games support and optimization in several sectors deemed necessary.

윈도우 10 Pro Superlite free download is available for 64 bit systems only. You need an activator to activate this operating system to make it permanent forever. So just go ahead, download Windows 10 Super lite x64 and x86 full crack for free on the google drive panel below.

Windows의 기능 10 Super Lite Free Download

  • Removed various features of Windows Apps, System Apps and Windows Security
  • Menonaktifkan remote desktop, print spooler, telemetry, notification dan errors report
  • Added Ghost Toolbox feature in Windows 10 Superlite
  • Bringing Free Bloatware to Windows
  • Cloud storage feature, OneDrive, removed from Windows 10
  • Can stop updates until 2077
  • 하지만, it can still be updated to the latest Windows 10
  • Free download Windows 10 Pro Superlite 64 조금
  • Compact Integrated + LZX (algorithm).
  • Supports multiple languages ​​and keyboards
  • Support UWP Games / UWP Apps
  • Optimized Pagefile/Services/Scheduled/Search Indexer
  • Privacy Optimizations & Performante mode
  • Available link Windows 10 Pro Super Lite google drive
  • 윈도우 10 ultra lite