어도비 프리미어 프로 CC 2020 v14.8

Download Premiere Pro CC 2020 전체 균열 64 조금

Download Premiere Pro CC 2020 정식 버전 64 조금. Being one of the best video editing software for Windows PCs, Adobe Sensei is required to always develop this application to make it even more powerful. Not long ago, the latest updated version of this application was finally released with a good impression and is definitely better than the previous version.

Premiere Pro 2020, which you can install on Windows 10 64 조금, is known to be very popular and has played an important part in several films, TV station broadcasts, video series and others. The popularity of this application cannot be separated from the popularity of this program for its complete features and tools that support post production. Apart from that, the interface makes this application very comfortable to use.

This professional video editing application has several interesting features in its latest version. Starting from the latest mask tracking technology, precise audio ducking, easy application of templates and effects, several new menu displays, more powerful rendering and many others.

Video creators can also use various plugins that can support their work, such as Red Giant Universe, Boris Sapphire, Twixtor Pro, Mocha Pro and many more. So just download Premiere Pro CC 2020 full version v14.8 final on the Google Drive panel below.

Features of Premiere Pro CC 2020 Final

  • Much better and more stable performance than the previous version
  • 간단하고 사용하기 쉬운 인터페이스
  • System bug and crash fixes
  • Developing features and tools to make them more powerful
  • The latest technology for more precise mask tracking
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  • 다음 프로젝트에 대한 가이드 설정을 저장할 수 있습니다
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  • 대화 상자로 배경 볼륨을 자동으로 수정합니다
  • 텍스트 및 그래픽 개발
  • 메뉴보기를위한 새로운 디스플레이
  • 오디오 효과를 트랙에 쉽게 복사하여 붙여 넣습니다
  • 네이티브 소니 베니스 V3 파일 가져 오기를 지원합니다
  • 프로젝트 패널의 중복 폴더를 병합하십시오
  • 렌더링은 점점 더 강력하고 빠릅니다
  • 그룹 형태로 모양을 만들고 마스크를 적용하십시오.
  • 쉽게 적용 할 수있는 모션 그래픽 템플릿
  • 새로운 10 비트 하드웨어 디코딩은 Windows에서 HEVC 재생을 평활화합니다.
  • 비디오에 캡션을 제공하기위한 새로운 내보내기 방법
  • Google 드라이브 링크에 있습니다
  • 공장 100% 창에서 10 64 조금