ウィンドウズ 7 スーパーライト版 (4月 2019)

Windowsをダウンロード 7 Super Lite Edition ISO

ウィンドウズ 7 Super Lite Edition Free Download x64 ISO – is an operating system application from Windows for your computer or laptop. You could say this is a development of Windows 7 but with a lighter specification.

Some parts that are a burden or less useful in Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate are removed to improve performance. 結果として, ウィンドウズ 7 Super Lite is lightweight and friendly for computers with lower-middle specifications.

ウィンドウズ 7 is known as a friendly operating system for gaming. By installing the latest Windows 7, you will immediately install Internet Explorer 11 and Net Framework 4.7.2 on your computer.

It doesn’t really need RAM and a large hard disk space makes this windows worthy for you to try. 加えて, how to install and activate Windows 7 is also fairly easy with the Rufus USB tool and loader. So just download the latest Windows 7 Lite x64 on the google drive panel below.

Features of Windows 7 スーパーライト版

  • Net Framework 4.7.2
  • User friendly interface
  • Internet Exploler 11
  • Based on Full Version of Windows 7 Ultimate SP1