Driver Epson L365

Download driver Epson L365 is software developed by Epson to make it easier for users to control various printer functions via a laptop or Windows PC.

In order to fully control the functions of the printer through a computer, you need to first install the driver for the printer. Without installing the driver, some of the functions and features contained in it usually cannot run properly.

Therefore, it is important to install the driver before using it for printing, so that you can control all the functions and features that are in the printer.

Epson itself actually has provided the driver file on the CD that was included in the box, but because it is rarely used the CD is usually lost or even damaged.

As a solution, you can use the driver installation file provided here. By using the driver files found here you can install the drivers without the hassle of using a CD.

実際には, the installation process is much easier and you can install the driver on practically any computer.

The Epson L365 itself is an ink tank printer similar to the L385 , apart from being able to print this printer it can also be used for scanning, besides that there is also a WiFi feature that allows a computer or cellphone to connect to the printer wirelessly.

Driver Epson L365 Types

Because this printer can be used for print and scan, Epson provides two types of drivers, namely drivers for scan and print. If you want to optimize the functionality of both, you can download and install two types of drivers.

The driver files provided here were developed directly by Epson and can be downloaded free of charge. 加えて, it is also compatible with various versions of Windows starting from Windows XP, ウィンドウズ 7, ウィンドウズ 8, ウィンドウズ 8.1, to Windows 10 whether 32-bit or 64-bit.

Because the driver for print is available in two versions, make sure you download the appropriate driver for the version of Windows installed on the computer whether 32-bit or 64-bit. While the scanner driver is compatible with Windows 32-bit and 64-bit.

Installation Guide

To install the Epson L365 driver is actually not much different from installing Windows applications in general, but so that you don’t get confused here, I will briefly share the steps.

Please download the driver file below first, make sure the printer is on and connected to the computer. After that, please refer to the following driver installation steps:

  1. Right click on the downloaded driver file and selectRun as administrator”.
  2. CheckSet as default printerthen OK.
  3. の中に “Languagesection select language you want to use then OK.
  4. When approval window appears, 選択する “Agreeand OK.
  5. Wait for installation process to complete.
  6. When installation notification window appears, tap OK.

At this point, Epson L365 driver has been successfully installed, please restart computer first so that the driver can run optimally.