cFosSpeed v12.00 Build 2512

Download cFosSpeed Full Version v12 Windows PC 64 少し

cFosSpeed increases your throughput and reduces your Ping. cFosSpeed uses Traffic Shaping to reorder Internet data packets in such a way that urgent traffic is transferred first and the rest of the data later. This results in significant reduction of latency (lag) and typically also results in connection speed up.

PrioritizationYour important streams first
With the cFosSpeed prioritization scheme you can always give all your programs full bandwidth, because cFosSpeed decides which streams must be prioritized. For example Game-Traffic, VoIP, or Audio/Video content will be prioritized higher than uploads / downloads. Your filesharing may use unlimited speed of your Internet connection, but it will be slowed down when you have important traffic. The whole prioritization scheme is configurable and you can change the prioritization on-the-fly.

Program prioritization
First cFosSpeed tries to detect the Layer 7 Protocol for each connection. If it is not detected (i.e. the protocol is UNKNOWN) or the priority of the detected protocol isnormal”, then the program detection is used to determine the priority. A special case is the HTTP stream detection. If the detected protocol is HTTP, cFosSpeed tries to detect, if it is a video or audio stream. This works as follows:

If the user agent is one of the well-known players or has the substringplayerin it, cFosSpeed categorizes the connection as HTTP_STREAM_C or HTTP_STREAM_S. Otherwise if the content-type is audio or video it categorizes the connection as BSTREAM_C or BSTREAM_S. The BSTREAM_C/S connections are prioritized asnormalso that the actual priority is determined by the program prioritization. This allows you, for example in uncertain cases, to prioritize it according to your program use.

PrioritizationYour important streams first
You can adjust the priority of the most common network protocols, so all programs using it automatically have the right priority. In addition you can configure the priority of individual programs. This means downloads don’t cause lag while gaming or viewing videos, 例えば.