Driver Epson L310

Download driver Epson L310 is a software developed by Epson to make it easier for users to control various functions on the printer via a Windows PC. Without the driver, some functions on the printer usually cannot work properly.

It is therefore important to install the printer driver before printing. Epson itself has actually provided the driver installation file on the CD that was included in the box of purchase.

Tuttavia, it is undeniable that sometimes the driver CD is often lost somewhere or cannot be read by the computer because this optical storage media is easily damaged. Come soluzione, you can download the driver file for free that we provide here.

The Epson L310 itself is a printer commonly used by home users and micro printing businesses. Apart from being cheap, this 2 kg printer also has a print speed of up to 9.2 ipm.

Inoltre, the Epson L310 is also capable of printing at a resolution of 4750 X 1440 dpi so that the results will look smoother. For power, this printer consumes 10 watts of power when active and 2.2 watts when standby .

Driver Epson L310 Types

Because this printer is only equipped with the ability to print, Epson only provides drivers for printing. Unlike the Epson L360 which is equipped with printing E scansione capabilities .

The driver files that we provide here were developed directly by Epson and can be downloaded for free, you can install the drivers without having to use the CD.

Inoltre, the drivers that we share are also compatible with almost all versions of Windows, da Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, a Windows 10, che si tratti di versioni a 32 o 64 bit.

When downloading, make sure you choose the appropriate driver for the version of Windows you are using so that the driver can run properly.

Guida d'installazione

To install the driver is not much different from installing an application in general, ma affinché tu non sia confuso qui ti spiegherò brevemente i passaggi.

Scaricare prima il file del driver riportato di seguito, make sure the printer is on and connected to the computer, then see the following steps to install the Epson L310 printer driver:

  1. Fare clic con il tasto destro sul file del driver scaricato, quindi seleziona “Esegui come amministratore”.
  2. Controllo “Imposta come stampante predefinita” allora OK.
  3. In “Lingua” sezione selezionare Indonesiano quindi OK.
  4. To skipEpson EULAdialog select Agree then OK.
  5. Attendi il completamento del processo di installazione.
  6. When a notification that the driver installation is complete appears, selezionare OK.

A questo punto, Epson L310 driver has been successfully installed and the printer is ready to use. The printer can actually be used immediately, but in order for the driver to run properly it is recommended to riavviare il computer first.