Driver Canon MP287
Download driver Canon MP287 is software developed by Canon Inc. to make it easier for users to control the printer via a Windows PC. Senza questa applicazione, usually some functions on the printer cannot run properly.
Canon MP287 itself is a multi-function printer that can be used for print, scan and copy. There are also two types of drivers provided by Canon, namely drivers for scanners and prints.
This printer, also known as the Canon PIXMA MP287, has a print speed of up to 8.4 ipm for black and white pages and 4.8 ipm for color pages. Inoltre, this printer is also equipped with a Hybrid Ink System that can provide sharp and brilliant prints.
This printer is also capable of printing documents in various sizes, such as A4, A5, B5, LTR and so on. Regarding image print quality, this printer is capable of printing up to a resolution of 4800 X 1200 DPI.
Driver Canon MP287 Type
Canon provides several types of drivers for the MP287 printer, namely drivers for print and scan. If you only want to maximize the print function, you can download the printer driver only.
Nel frattempo, se vuoi massimizzare la funzione di scansione, you can install a special driver for the scan. Tuttavia, se vuoi massimizzare la funzione di entrambi, puoi installare due driver.
The drivers that we provide here are compatible with almost all versions of Windows, including Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, a Windows 10, che si tratti di versioni a 32 o 64 bit.
The drivers we provide are official drivers developed directly by Canon, so you don’t have to worry about their safety.
Guida d'installazione
To install the Canon PIXMA MP287 printer driver is not much different from installing applications in general, ma affinché tu non sia confuso qui ti spiegherò brevemente i passaggi.
Scaricare prima il file del driver riportato di seguito, make sure the printer is on and connected to the computer, after that, please refer to the following steps for installing the Canon MP287 driver:
- Fare clic con il tasto destro sul file del driver scaricato, then select the option “Esegui come amministratore”.
- To get past the “Welcome” dialog select Next.
- Selezionare “Asia” then select Next.
- After that the approval dialog will appear, select Yes.
- Attendi il completamento del processo di installazione.
- When “Connect Cable” dialog appears, select Cancel and Finish.
A questo punto il driver è stato installato con successo e la stampante è pronta per l'uso. So that the driver can work properly, first riavviare il computer before printing.