Driver Epson L1800
Download driver Epson L1800 is a free application developed directly by Epson to help users easily control various functions and features of the printer via a PC or laptop.
Tanpa driver, the computer or laptop that is used to control the printer usually cannot be used to control some functions and features of the printer, bahkan pada beberapa kasus komputer tidak dapat mendeteksi printer sama sekali.
Therefore it is important to install the driver first before the printer is used for printing, so that all the features and functions in the printer can be controlled and run optimally.
Epson itself actually has provided the driver file on the CD which is usually included in the box, but because it is rarely used the CD is usually lost or damaged.
If you experience this, you don’t need to worry because you can still install the printer driver using the installation file available here without the hassle of using a CD.
The driver installation file here can also be a solution for those of you who use a PC or laptop that is not equipped with a CD Room.
The Epson L1800 itself is a 6-ink inkjet printer capable of printing images up to A3 size with a resolution of 5760 X 1440 dpi. This printer is usually used by designers to print photos.
Driver Epson L1800 Type
Because this printer is only equipped with features for printing, it is not equipped with a scan, Epson only provides one driver for printing.
Meskipun demikian, you need to select the driver version according to the Windows operating system you are using whether 32-bit or 64-bit. Make sure you download the driver file according to the version of Windows you are using so that the driver can run optimally.
The drivers here are compatible with various versions of Windows starting from Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, ke Windows 10.
Petunjuk pemasangan
To install the Epson L1800 driver is actually the same way as installing Windows applications in general, namun agar tidak bingung disini saya akan menjelaskan langkah-langkahnya secara singkat.
Silahkan download terlebih dahulu file driver dibawah ini, pastikan printer dalam keadaan hidup dan terhubung ke komputer. Berikutnya, silakan simak langkah-langkah instalasi driver berikut ini.
- Klik dua kali pada file driver yang diunduh.
- Check options “Tetapkan sebagai printer default” Dan “Automatically update software” lalu oke.
- When Epson Eula appears select Agree then OK.
- In Language section select language you want to use then OK.
- Tunggu hingga proses instalasi selesai.
- Ketika muncul jendela notifikasi instalasi berhasil, pilih oke.
Pada saat ini, you have successfully installed Epson L1800 driver, Anda dapat langsung menggunakan printer untuk mencetak atau memulai ulang komputer terlebih dahulu agar driver dapat bekerja secara maksimal.