Driver Epson L1300
Download driver Epson L1300 merupakan software yang dikembangkan langsung oleh Epson untuk memudahkan pengguna dalam mengontrol berbagai fungsi printer melalui laptop atau PC Windows. Tanpa driver, computers usually cannot be used to control some printer functions and even this could be the cause of the computer not being able to detect the printer.
Therefore it is important to install the driver before using it for printing. Epson itself has actually provided the driver file on the CD that was included in the box of purchase.
Namun, karena jarang digunakan, the driver CD is often lost somewhere or damaged. Sebagai solusi, you can download the driver for free and use the driver files that we provide here.
Dengan menggunakan file instalasi driver yang terdapat di sini, you can install it on multiple computers without the hassle of using a CD so that the installation process becomes more practical.
Epson L1300 itself is a printer commonly used for office users. This printer, which is wide enough in size, is capable of printing documents up to A3 + ukuran. This printer also has integrated 4 color ink tanks which can be refilled easily.
Driver Epson L1300 Type
Unlike printers that are equipped with a memindai feature , because this printer can only be used for printing, Epson hanya menyediakan driver untuk pencetakan. File driver yang kami sediakan disini dikembangkan langsung oleh Epson dan dapat diunduh secara gratis.
Selain itu, the driver files that are here can also be installed on various versions of Windows, dari Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, ke Windows 10, baik versi 32-bit atau 64-bit.
When downloading, make sure you choose the appropriate driver for the version of Windows installed on the laptop or computer used, apakah menggunakan versi 32 bit atau 64 bit.
Petunjuk pemasangan
Installing drivers is the same way as installing Windows applications in general, you only need to follow the steps that appear on the computer screen. Namun, so that you are not confused here I will briefly explain the steps.
Silahkan download terlebih dahulu file driver dibawah ini, pastikan printer dalam keadaan hidup dan terhubung ke komputer, then see the steps to install the Epson L1300 printer driver below:
- Right-click downloaded driver file and select option “Jalankan sebagai administrator”.
- Memeriksa “Tetapkan sebagai printer default” Dan “Automatically update software” and then OK.
- Di dalam “Bahasa” section, select language you want to use, for example Indonesia, lalu pilih oke.
- When the approval dialog appears, check “Setuju” section and select OK.
- Tunggu hingga proses instalasi selesai.
- Jika muncul notifikasi instalasi sukses, pilih oke.
Pada saat ini, Epson L1300 driver has been successfully installed. Printer dapat langsung digunakan untuk mencetak, atau Anda juga bisa memulai ulang komputer terlebih dahulu agar driver dapat bekerja secara maksimal.