Driver Canon MP280

Download driver Canon MP280 is a free application provided by Canon to help make it easier for users to control various functions and features of the printer via a laptop or PC.

Tanpa pengemudi, some functions and features embedded in the printer cannot be controlled properly even in some cases the computer cannot detect the printer at all.

Karena itu, sebelum printer digunakan untuk mencetak, it is recommended to first install the driver on the computer that will be used to control the printer.

Canon sendiri sebenarnya sudah menyediakan CD driver yang disertakan dalam kotak pembelian, tapi karena jarang dipakai biasanya CDnya hilang atau malah rusak.

Jika Anda mengalami masalah ini, anda tidak perlu khawatir karena anda tetap bisa menginstal drivernya tanpa harus menggunakan CD, namely by using the installation file available here.

By using the installation file located here you can install it more easily even on a PC or laptop that is not equipped with a CD room.

Canon Pixma MP280 itself is a multifunctional printer that can be used for print, copy and scan. This printer has a body that is quite compact and lightweight so that it can be placed anywhere.

Driver Canon MP280 Type

Berbeda dengan merek printer lainnya, users usually need to download two types of drivers for print and scan. One driver file in here will automatically install the driver for print and scan.

The driver files available here are compatible with various versions of Windows starting from Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, ke Windows 10 baik versi 32-bit atau 64-bit.

Petunjuk pemasangan

To install the Canon MP280 driver is actually the same way as installing Windows applications in general, namun agar tidak bingung disini saya akan menjelaskan langkah-langkahnya secara singkat.

Silahkan download terlebih dahulu file driver dibawah ini, jika printer saat ini terhubung ke komputer, cabut dulu. Berikutnya, please refer to the following installation steps.

  1. Klik dua kali pada file driver yang diunduh.
  2. Kapan “Selamat datang” muncul jendela pilih Next.
  3. Pilih “Asia” lalu Next.
  4. Ketika jendela persetujuan muncul pilih Ya.
  5. Tunggu hingga proses instalasi selesai.
  6. Connect printer via USB then turn it on.
  7. Jika muncul notifikasi instalasi sukses, pilih Selesai.

Pada saat ini, you have successfully installed Canon MP280 driver, you can immediately use printer to print or memulai ulang computer first so that driver can run optimally.