Driver Canon MP258
Download driver Canon MP258 merupakan aplikasi yang disediakan oleh Canon untuk membantu pengguna dengan mudah mengontrol fitur dan fungsi printer melalui PC atau laptop.
Tanpa driver, laptops or computers usually cannot be used to control some functions and features of the printer, bahkan pada beberapa kasus komputer tidak dapat mendeteksi printer sama sekali.
Karena itu, so that all features and functions on the printer can be controlled and run properly, you need to install the driver first before using the printer for printing.
Canon actually has provided the driver CD that is included in the box of purchase, but because it is rarely used the CD is usually damaged or lost somewhere.
Jika Anda mengalami masalah ini, you don’t need to worry because you can still install the driver without having to use the CD, namely using the driver installation file available here.
By using the driver installation file located here, you can install the driver more easily, you can even install it directly on a computer or laptop that is not equipped with a CD room.
The Canon Pixma MP258 itself is a multifunctional printer that can be used for printing, copying and scanning. This printer is usually chosen for office and business needs, in addition to its low price, this printer also has a fairly good print quality.
Driver Canon Pixma MP258 Type
Unlike other printer brands, users need to download different driver files for print and scan. By downloading one driver file that is here, it will automatically install the driver for scan, print, or copy.
The driver files available here are also compatible with various versions of Windows starting from Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, ke Windows 10 baik versi 32-bit atau 64-bit.
Petunjuk pemasangan
To install the Canon Pixma MP258 driver is actually the same way as installing Windows applications in general, namun agar tidak bingung disini saya akan menjelaskan langkah-langkahnya secara singkat.
Please download driver file below first, jika printer saat ini terhubung ke komputer, cabut dulu, if so, please refer to the steps below.
- Klik dua kali pada file driver yang diunduh.
- Kapan “Selamat datang” window appears select Next.
- Select Asia then Next.
- Ketika jendela persetujuan muncul pilih Ya.
- Tunggu hingga proses instalasi selesai.
- Kapan “Connect Cable” jendela muncul, connect printer to computer.
- Saat jendela notifikasi instalasi muncul, pilih Selesai.
Pada saat ini, you have successfully installed Canon Pixma MP258 driver, Anda dapat langsung menggunakan printer untuk mencetak atau memulai ulang komputer terlebih dahulu agar driver dapat bekerja secara maksimal.