ब्लूमेंटल्स रैपिड PHP 2022 v17.3.0.244
Free Download Blumentals Rapid PHP full version standalone offline installer for Windows is a faster and more powerful PHP code editor for Windows combining features of a fully-packed PHP IDE with the speed of the Notepad.
आप मुफ़्त डाउनलोड भी कर सकते हैं App Builder
Rapid PHP editor is a faster and more powerful PHP code editor for Windows combining features of a fully-packed PHP IDE with the speed of the Notepad. Rapid PHP is the complete all-in-one software for coding PHP, एचटीएमएल, सीएसएस, जावास्क्रिप्ट, and other web development languages with tools for debugging, validating, reusing, navigating, and formatting your code.
It supports HTML, सीएसएस, जावास्क्रिप्ट, पीएचपी, Smarty, एक्सएमएल, SQL, Apache, and more. xDebug PHP debugger, real-time PHP checker, spelling checker, W3 HTML and CSS validator, JSLint JavaScript checker. Edit directly on your web server or publish local development copy updates with a single click.
Features of Blumentals Rapid PHP
- The fastest PHP editor / IDE
- Powerful syntax highlighting Updated!
- Code intelligence Updated!
- Powerful editor
- HTML5 and CSS3 ready Updated!
- Powerful CSS features Updated!
- Advanced search and replace
- Smarty & framework support
- Debugger & validators Updated!
- Direct FTP/SFTP/FTPS Updated!
- Efficient code re-use
- Loads of tools