Acon Digital Acoustica Premium 7.5.5

Télécharger Acoustica Premium 7 La version complète est la solution parfaite pour l'édition audio, création de podcasts, mastering et restauration audio sur Mac et PC. The application is available in a Premium Edition and a lower cost Standard Edition. Both include a powerful and sample accurate clip editor that lets you navigate and edit single track audio with pristine quality. You can also create multitrack sessions where you can import or record audio clips to separate tracks that you can mix and process.

The Premium Edition adds advanced features such as spectral editing with powerful retouch algorithms and multi-channel support up to 7.1 surround. A large collection of plug-ins are included and seamlessly integrated into the application. With the Premium Edition, you can also use these in other host applications supporting VST, Vst3, AAX or Audio Units (Mac only):

  • Mastering Suite consisting of Equalize 2, Dynamics, Multiband Dynamics, Limit and Dither.
  • Verberate 2, our renowned natural sounding reverb plug-in
  • Restoration Suite 2 with four plug-ins for audio restoration: DeNoise 2, DeHum 2, DeClick 2 and DeClip 2.
  • Extract:Dialogue automatically reduces background noise in dialogue recordings
  • DeWind:Dialogue automatically reduces wind noise from dialogue
  • DeRustle:Dialogue automatically reduces clothing rustle and microphone bump noise from lavalier recordings
  • DeBuzz:Dialogue automatically reduces buzz and hum noises such as neon light buzz, AC power hum, RF transmission interference from dialogue recordings
  • Transfer, an AAX plug-in that makes audio transfers between Pro Tools and Acoustica a breeze.

Ultimate Audio Quality
Acoustica offers support for state-of-the-art audio resolutions up to 32 bit and sampling rates up to 384 kHz, ensuring that all of your work comes across at the highest quality. Acoustica Premium Edition even supports multi-channel audio recording and editing such as 5.1 et 7.1 surround sound.

Audio Restoration
Integrated audio restoration tools help you get the most out of recordings impaired by background noise, clics, crackle, clipping or missing high frequency content. The Premium Edition contains the same set of professional tools as our Restoration Suite.

Spectral Editing (Premium Edition only)
The new spectral editing mode in Acoustica Premium Edition 7 allows precise restoration work since processing can be limited to isolated regions in time and frequency. Selection tools such as brush, freehand or magic wand are available. The retouch tool removes noise based on a freely selectable reference from the surrounding audio.

Multitrack Editing
Mix audio from different tracks in real-time, insert audio effects or create cross-fades easily in multitrack sessions. You can loop or time stretch clips directly from the multitrack timeline and automate volume, pan and send levels.

Features of Acon Digital Acoustica Premium

  • Native support for Apple Silicon processors such as Apple M1
  • Acoustica Premium Edition adds four new plug-ins for dialogue post production based on deep learning:
    • Extract:Dialogue
    • DeWind:Dialogue
    • DeRustle:Dialogue
    • DeBuzz:Dialogue
  • Improved selection tools in the spectral editor: Geometries can now be moved and resized
  • Improved Remix tool with adjustable sensitivity for each stem and a separate download is no longer required
  • Improved audio quality of the Time Stretch and Transpose tools
  • Several improvements in the multitrack editor, including clip fades, region selection with optional looping and snapping
  • Files can now be dragged from the Media File Browser and dropped in the clip editor, multitrack sessions or CD projects