Rinoceronte 7.33.23248.13002
Free Download Rhino/Rhinoceros full version standalone offline installer for macOS. It is a versatile 3D modeler for creating and editing 3D surfaces.
This program is a versatile 3D modeler. It can create, editar, analizar, documento, prestar, animar, y traducir curvas NURBS, superficies, solids, nubes de puntos, y mallas poligonales. There is no complexity, grado, or size limit beyond your hardware.
Features of Rhino for macOS
- Uninhibited free-form 3-D modeling tools like those found only in products costing 20 a 50 veces más. Modela cualquier forma que puedas imaginar..
- Accuracy is needed to design, prototipo, ingeniero, analizar, and manufacture anything from airplanes to jewelry.
- Compatibility with your other design, redacción, LEVA, ingeniería, análisis, representación, animación, y software de ilustración.
- Lea y repare mallas y archivos IGES extremadamente desafiantes.
- Accesible. It is so easy to learn and use that you can focus on design and visualization without being distracted by the software.
- Rápido, incluso en una computadora portátil normal. No se necesita hardware especial.
- Asequible. Hardware ordinario. Curva de aprendizaje corta. Precio de compra asequible. Sin cuotas de mantenimiento.